Thu 02 Jan
!!•☆• Its Diamonds Bday Come Celebrate with me and my friend SPECIALS!!•☆• !! - 24
(Lansing, Lansing && Yes We Travel)
🌟🆗🆙🚻 Feeling WILD 2Nite & Here 2 Please U Now 🚻 🆗🆙🌟✔💯% Independent ✔ - 36
(Lansing, Okemos,Charlotte,Howell,Jackson)
I'll Show You Things The Other Girls Couldn't DREAM Of ♡ ( OUTCALL SPECiALS] - 20
(Lansing, Lansing And Surrounding Areas)
☆ I Am ___ Q_U_A_L_I _F_I_E_D ((To Leave You )) __ S_A_T_I_S _F_I_E_D ☆ - - 22
(Lansing, lansing/willtracel)
B ___ ____ E ___ ____ A ____ ____ U ____ ___ T ____ ___ I ___ ____ F ___ ___ U ____ ___ L IN TOWN! - 21
(Lansing, CoMe To Me Or ILL CoMe To YoU!!)