Sat 04 Jan
★ AmAZiNg __ PlEaSeR! Can YOU handle ME? ★100% recent & accurate pics - 28
(Lansing, lansing~surrounding areas~outcall 24/7)
☎CÅll M ★TOUCH M ★T ŧ M* FL M ★I'm R Åd¥ * 2 pLaS U ** - - 24
(Ann Arbor, outcalls only)
Erotic and Sensual COLLEGE GIRL - **Special Tonight** - 19
(Ann Arbor, Battle Creek, Central Michigan, Detroit, Downtown, Flint, Grand Rapids, Holland, In town, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Lansing, Monroe, Muskegon, Northern Michigan, Port Huron, Saginaw, Southwest Mi)
Come have a taste! •••SWEETS••• shhh Lansing's Best Kept Secret!!! ...specials!!! - 21
(Lansing, Lansing area)
B L O N D E )) ___ *BARBiE* ___ {SuPeR} ___ :S W E E T: ___ [&] ___ =YUMMY= _____GODDESS - 19
(Lansing, Lansing incall)
Fri 03 Jan
❤ TH€ ❤ Wo®KiNG ❤ M@N'§ ❤ PL€Å§UR€ ❤100% recent & accurate pics howell INCALL specials - 28
(Lansing, lansing~surrounding areas incall outcall)
Young Sexy Hott & READY :) PROMISE its something u will NEVER forget! AWESOME specials too:) - 21
•:*:• *StUnNiNg •:*:• *BeAuTiFuL •:*:• *sO SExY •:*:• ChEcK mE OuT •:*:• *No DiSaPPOinTmENtS - 18
—— _S_U_P_E_R__ ———————— *S_E_X_Y* -——————— _*H_O_T*_ ——— *CURVY ————— * BRUNETTE* ——————————— - - 22
(Lansing, lansing/willtravel)
❤INDEPENDENT❤ NEW 💋 💋 Your Way OR No Way 💋💋 Open Minded 24/7 - 22
(Lansing, lansing surrounding/your place baby)
Lets Play Together! I Am Ready For Fun!
(Ann Arbor, Battle Creek, Central Michigan, Detroit, Flint, Grand Rapids, Holland, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Lansing, Monroe, Muskegon, Northern Michigan, Port Huron, Saginaw, Southwest Michigan, Upper Penin)
❤ ❤ FUN &FLIRTY; ;) Gorgeous P L A Y M A T E ** F E T I S H friendly❤ ❤ - 26
(Lansing, InCaLL Specials :))
**early morning **come spend time with a beautiful Latina *fun ~ satisying ~ kissable.& irresistible - 24
(Lansing, south)
HOT BLONDE~u waiting for you today to have fun with you*specials - 24
(Lansing, lansing/central michigan)
.. ExOcTIc BoMbSHeLLs !...iT'S TiMe 2 PlAy MeN & WoMaN !..***** - 22
frIeNdLy - -and -ready fetish friendly 100 outcall special - 23
(Lansing, Lansing,jackson,outcall,incall)
★EvErY BoY's WiSh ★EvErY HuSbAnD's SeCreT ★EvErY MaN's FaNt@sY★ - - 32
(Lansing, LANSING surrounding area outcall only)
))8(( after work fun w/Gothic Goddess, MORGANNA ))8(( call (517) 455-1434 }}8{{ - 33
(Lansing, s. Lansing incall-o/c to surrounding)
~~ 75 specials tonight only sexy blonde latina ~~♥ pure satisfaction ♥~~ come play with me - 24
(Lansing, south lansing)
{BaBy iM Th€ B€§† ... S€Xi LiTTL€ BArBi€ DoLL ; } (¯`'·.¸ ♔;¸.·'´¯) - -2 __ - 20
(Lansing, lansing /surrounding)
*After work Specials *Let Me be the one to help you relax after a long hard dayWhat R U Waiting For - 27
(Lansing, Surrounding cities welcome)
Veronica the vixen in town for a short time ready to fulfill your deepest desires! - 23
(Lansing, Lansing an surrounding area outcalls)
*~* This Sexy Angle Is Ready For A Little Sinful Playtime *~* NEW PICS *~* Call Now - 29
(Lansing, Around The Lansing Area)
☆ VIP Companion ☆——————◆ G0RGE0US BABE ◆—————————☆ Latin Bombshell ☆—————————◆ INCALL//OUTCALL ◆ - 24
(Lansing, ✮ IN//OUT Lansing & All Surr. Cities ✮)
Available! Hot Sexy Independent and Real!
(Ann Arbor, Battle Creek, Central Michigan, Detroit, Flint, Grand Rapids, Holland, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Lansing, Monroe, Muskegon, Northern Michigan, Port Huron, Saginaw, Southwest Michigan, Upper Penin)
75 specials call now look no further i offer anything your heart desires. stop waisting your money - 24
(Lansing, south lansing)
Early morning 5 Body of a goddess* blazin hot blonde come "get what you been missing" sweet, sexy, - 24
(Lansing, south)
$50 Incall Specials!! Friday the 13th can be Your Lucky Day!!! Call Crystal 517-748-8338!!! - 26